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Carey hears wastewater plant plans

Carey hears wastewater plant plans.
CAREY — Monday’s Carey Village Council meeting was flush with possible choices for the village’s wastewater treatment plant.
Council heard from Joe Hotz and Peter Latta of Jones & Henry Engineers who proposed two options for the village and its nearly 80-year-old wastewater treatment facility.
Hotz said council had time to digest all the information before making a decision.
Councilwoman Lois Kurtz asked if the village could explore grants and other funding resources before committing to the project and she was assured by Hotz that they could.
Village Administrator Roy Johnson said if that was the only option, the village would have loan payments of $248,000 twice a year for 20 years.
In other news, John Courtney of Courtney & Associates presented the village with an electric rate analysis and reported the village doesn’t need to raise electric rates despite upgrades to the power system.
Johnson said the legislation would be before council at the next meeting.
There will be a new face as the fiscal officer at the next meeting with Alisha Wentz replacing Nickie Coppler, who is taking a job with the Wyandot County Auditor’s Office.
Council tabled two matters: legislation for the creation of a village beautification committee and the village’s social media policy.

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