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Minnesota models: collaborating locally — across sectors and interests — for a better environment

Minnesota models: collaborating locally — across sectors and interests — for a better environment.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged about the state of our environment.
At Environmental Initiative, we believe by working together – across sectors and interests – we can achieve more effective and longer lasting solutions.
Working in this way isn’t easy.
In 2015, Minnesota generated 35 megawatts for community solar subscriptions total.
Emerging Leader – Eliza Clark: Clark is the director of sustainability and environmental at Andersen Corporation, a founding member of the Minnesota Sustainable Growth Coalition, and the Vice Chair of Super Bowl LII’s Sustainability Committee.
Energy and Climate – City of Hutchinson Landfill Solar PV: The City of Hutchinson is home to the largest landfill solar project in Minnesota, made possible by public-private partnership.
Sustainable Business – Promoting Deconstruction and Reuse: According to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, more than 80 percent of the 1.6 million tons of construction and demolition waste was landfilled in 2013.
In 2016, Better Futures Minnesota and their partners helped recycle or reuse more than 1,571 tons of building materials that would have otherwise been landfilled.
Mike Harley is the executive director of Environmental Initiative, a nonprofit dedicated to building partnerships to solve environmental problems collaboratively.

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