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Chihuly pedestrian bridge should inspire Perhaps the brain trust of West Palm Beach who is searching for an answer on how to safely cross Okeechobee Boulevard at CityPlace should take a look at the city of Tacoma, Wash., for an answer.
Wedgworth portrays his family as toil-and-soil farmers who provide Americans with “fruits, vegetables, and grains.” In reality, they are sugar barons.
The Wedgworths also own Florida’s largest fertilizer company.
Wedgworth implies that Big Sugar provides “good jobs” for thousands of families.
Further, due to mechanization, Big Sugar’s need for labor is significantly diminishing.
Comey only stood up for self-preservation The headline of the reprinted Washington Post article in The Palm Beach Post on the James Comey testimony, “Comey Stands Ground,” (June 9), sums up the editor’s approval of the events in Washington on June 8.
It appears that both Posts have given up objectivity in reporting on anything related to Donald Trump.
Trump acts in his own interest, not nation’s I am a news junkie.
I cannot keep up with the devastation of our once proud country by the leader of the free world.
He refuses to listen to those who know what is best for our country.

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