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EPA delays rule limiting water pollution from coal-fired plants

• In a blow to environmental groups, the EPA will delay compliance for an Obama-era rule limiting toxic water pollution from coal-fired power plants by two years, “while the agency revisits some of the rule’s requirements.” (Reuters, The Hill) • House lawmakers vote to block the implementation of an Obama-era rule designed to limit methane emissions from new oil and gas drilling sites.
(The Hill) COAL: The owner of a Montana coal mine says over 80 miners could be laid off after a district judge blocked an expansion project.
(Associated Press)
(News Service of Florida) FRACKING: A commission votes to begin the lengthy process of banning drilling and fracking near the Delaware River and its tributaries.
(Associated Press)
(Greentech Media) ELECTRIC VEHICLES: The nation’s largest fast-charging system is pairing used electric vehicle batteries with charging stations to help avoid demand charges.
(Utility Dive) GRID: A conference in Minnesota this week will explore the Midwest’s growing potential for energy storage.
• Some Florida nuclear power plants remain inactive – but undamaged – from Hurricane Irma.
• A guest columnist says it’s time to build Florida’s power grid underground.
(Reuters, Bloomberg)

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