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Studies into water contamination will extend into next spring

How hopeful should we be that this will ever get fixed?” — Resident Karen Lithgow Residents pressed officials for answers in the ever-widening water contamination testing issue in the Grayling area.
Water samples taken at the Grayling Army Airfield, where the foam was used for training purposes, tested positive for the chemicals in the fall of 2016.
Of 500 residential wells tested, 10 have had detects above 70 parts per trillion in Grayling Charter Township.
One residential water well within the City of Grayling has tested above the 70 parts per trillion health advisory.
Residential water wells around Lake Margrethe will be tested for the compounds.
Resident Karen Lithgow questioned the amount of time that studies will take.
Lemming, however, said she believes that the foam coming up to the surface of the lake is tied to contaminated residential water wells.
Potential solutions to address the contaminated groundwater include drilling wells deeper into the surface for residents, or connecting to a municipal water system.
Stone, the assistant adjutant general for installations for Michigan Army National Guard, said no funding solutions will be determined until the full environmental investigation is completed.
If any resident has additional questions regarding this issue, the State of Michigan Environmental Assistance Center can be contacted at 800-662-9278, or emailed at deq-assist@michigan.gov.

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