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Surveys target potential water contamination sources

KEARNEY — The city of Kearney Utilities Department’s Water Distribution Division, announces that it will begin sending out Cross Connection Surveys to residential homes in the northwest and northeast quadrants of the city during January.
Cross connection surveys are required by the Nebraska Department of Health.
The department requires that each residence conduct a plumbing survey, and that the public water supply system initiate and collect the surveys.
The purpose of the survey is to determine if cross connections exist in plumbing systems.
Cross connections are plumbing arrangements that provide a means whereby impure water, gas or liquid may gain entrance to the plumbing system to contaminate or pollute a safe water supply system in the event of a system backflow.
The city must conduct a survey of all residences and commercial sites in the city every five years.
Northwest and northeast Kearney will be surveyed this year, southeast and southwest Kearney will be surveyed in 2019.
Residents who do not receive a cross connection survey, but have a concern about a possible cross connection can contact Mike Sawin, water quality/utility coordinator at 233-3258.

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