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Excessive Levels Of Radium Found In 4 Michigan Water Systems

LANSING, MI – Four water utilities in Michigan have been found to have radium levels in excess of the legal limit allowed by federal law, according an environmental and health organization.
The organization also found that hundreds of local water utilities, while in compliance with federal guidelines, had radium levels above standards considered healthy.
Federal law allows up to 5 picocuries per liter of combined radium-226 and radium-228, the two most common forms of radium, in tap water.
The reports showed these four water utilities, all in central Michigan, had radium levels above the 5 picocuries per liter limit: The four utilities’ water is distributed to some 24,500 customers, according to the Environmental Working Group’s data.
Additionally, the organization maintains that to more accurately assess the threat of radiation in U.S. tap water, it compared levels of contaminants reported by local utilities to public health goals set by the California Office of Environmental Hazard Assessment.
Subscribe While California’s public health goals are not legally enforceable limits, they are guidelines for levels of contaminants that pose only a minimal risk to health.
According to the group, combined radium-226 and radium-228 was found to be above legal limits in 37 utilities serving 24,637 people in the state.
EWG says it included six radioactive contaminant in its tap water database, including radon, radium and uranium.
The most widespread contaminants are radium-226 and radium-228, which contaminate tap water in every state, according to EWG.
Exposure to high levels of radium can lead to higher chances of bone, liver and breast cancer.

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