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More companies potentially responsible for water contamination in Kent County

PLAINFIELD TOWNSHIP, Mich– The Boulder Creek dump site in Plainfield Township is one of several sites that has residents concerned about contaminated drinking water.
While shoemaker Wolverine Worldwide has been at the center of the issue, state documents from the 1990’s show other companies are potentially responsible for dumping harmful chemicals at the same site, which likely contaminated local groundwater.
FOX 17 obtained verified records through a third party which show along with Wolverine Worldwide, Consumers Energy, Kysor Industrial, Keeler Brass Company, Plastic-Plate Inc (owned by Lacks Enterprises) dumped waste with Northeast Gravel Company at this site, making them potentially responsible parties.
Documents show Amway also has a history of dumping at the site.
According to this study, these chemicals had the potential to leach into groundwater.
According to documents, Northeast Gravel was advised several times by the state to install a cap over the waste to keep it from leaching into the water supply.
According to Dr. Mark Muyskens, a chemistry professor at Calvin College, a landfill cap is critical for keeping waste from leaching into nearby water.
“The cap is intended to keep water from getting in, so even if there was something toxic in the landfill, if the water’s not there to carry it away, it’s doing what the landfill’s intended to do, keep it in a place.” According to Muyskens, even solid waste can threaten groundwater if it is not capped.
Some members of the Plainfield Township Board say the water contamination issue is new for them.
Representatives from the township did not allow media cameras inside the cafeteria, where the discussion took place.

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