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$8M for PFAS in Gov. Snyder’s budget not enough, says state rep

LANSING, MI — As residents in his district grapple with the possibility of toxic chemicals in their water, State Rep. Chris Afendoulis, R-Grand Rapids Township, is calling for Gov.
Rick Snyder to put more money into the investigation.
Wednesday, Feb. 7, Snyder unveiled his budget proposal for the 2019 fiscal year that starts in October.
It included $8 million to address a growing water contamination problem in the state due to chemicals known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
That’s in addition to $23.2 million the state appropriated in late 2017 to address PFAS, which provides for 15 additional full-time equivalent state employees, along with money for PFAS response activities, remediation, local public health and laboratory equipment.
Afendoulis was critical of the $8 million Snyder earmarked for 2019, but didn’t have a figure that he would consider to be more appropriate.
"It’s too early to say exactly, but when we passed the $23 million supplemental for PFAS in December, I considered it a down payment," Afendoulis said in a statement to MLive.
"It struck me that relative to that initial investment, $8 million may not be adequate."
Groundwater contamination from PFAS has been found at 28 sites in 14 communities across Michigan, according to the Department of Environmental Quality.
Also Tuesday in Lansing, the House Natural Resources Committee heard testimony on a resolution from State Rep. Mary Whiteford, R-Casco Township, that would guide the spending of the $23.2 million allocated to PFAS.

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