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All eyes on Minnesota as state readies fight against 3M in water pollution trial

"That’s how we do water here."
Rapp lives in the east Twin Cities metro where the groundwater was contaminated by chemicals produced for decades by 3M.
The state alleges that 3M knew decades ago about risks linked to its chemicals that wound up in the groundwater in the east metro.
For decades, 3M legally disposed of waste containing PFCs in landfills in the east metro.
Are PFCs toxic at the levels found in the east metro?
The state’s lawsuit says 3M knew from its own studies that PFCs were potentially toxic, but didn’t report those findings to federal regulators or scientists.
That argument got a boost days before the trial was scheduled to start from the Minnesota Department of Health.
The department released new reports showing it did not find unusually high rates of cancer or adverse birth outcomes in the east metro.
In Minnesota, the Department of Health last year set health advisory limits much more stringent than those of the EPA.
When Joby Randrup and his wife, Amy, bought their Cottage Grove home 13 years ago when expecting their first child, they knew nothing about the water situation.

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