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Art Van Sports Complex well water test results free of PFAS contamination

The nonprofit West Michigan Sports Commission (WMSC), who owns and manages the Art Van Sports Complex (AVSC) at 3300 10 Mile Rd.
NE in Plainfield Township, today announced that its water is considered safe from Perflourinated Sulfonic Acid (PFAS/PFOA/PFOS) contaminants.
A recent water analysis of its ballfield irrigation water that comes from two wells on the complex property has shown that no contaminants were detected.
ALS Global Laboratory analyzed the irrigation water sample on behalf of FTCH Feb. 1, and the primary findings of the test indicated that any concentrations of PFOS and PFOA chemicals are below the detection limits of the analysis method.
“While the WMSC never received any indication of water contamination, we wanted to initiate our own study to ensure that all water at the Art Van Sports Complex is safe for our patrons,” said Mike Guswiler, president.
“We hope these findings reassure our athletes and their families who enjoy this complex that this is a safe environment to play ball.” Separate from the wells that supply strictly irrigation water for the ballfields, the Art Van Sports Complex sources water from the Plainfield Township Water Treatment Plant for drinking fountains, concessions and bathrooms.
While Plainfield Township’s water was deemed safe (PFAS sampling at 6.8ppt based on DEQ safe limit of 70ppt) in its most recent test, the township is in the process of putting in place a granular-activated carbon filter at its water treatment facility, which is intended to completely remove any PFAS levels.
The filter should be in place before the first tournament of the season at the Art Van Sports Complex.
“We appreciate Plainfield Township taking this proactive and voluntary step to remove all levels of PFAS in the drinking water that sources the AVSC and the surrounding area,” said Guswiler.
“We want to give our guests every confidence that they will have a safe and positive experience at the AVSC.” The WMSC will post updated information on this issue at www.westmisports.com/venues/art-van-complex.

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