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Letter: Mountain Valley Pipeline threatens our water quality

Do you know the source of the water from your faucet?
Are you confident that it’s clean and safe to drink?
Most of us take our water source for granted.
Hydrostatic pressure forces that liquid upwards and mountain springs gush out pristine waters that flow downstream.
If the aquifers, springs or waterways are fouled, our tap water is at risk.
This massive 42” pipe will require blasting streams and steep mountains and even occur within 100 feet of private springs and wells.
Although chemical spills, erosion and other water contamination have plagued pipelines across the country, the Army Corp of Engineers and Virginia Department of Environmental Quality believe they can police construction and miraculously avoid such problems here.
Inevitably MVP makes the profit, while we pay the price with silted streams and contaminated water.
Many don’t fully comprehend the relevance of MVP to our lives.
According to April 13 Roanoke Times article “Regulators want to hear from public on pipeline reviews” we have one more chance to let the State Water Control Board hear our pleas to protect us from MVP.

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