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Temporary filtration in progress on Westfield’s contaminated Well 2

The well, which primarily serves the north side of the city, was shut down last winter due to PFAS and PFOS contaminants in the water.
Wells 7 and 8 were shut down in late 2015 and will remain offline until permanent filtration vessels are in place after Well 2 is up and running.
Firefighting foam used at the Barnes Air National Guard Base has been identified as the source of contamination, and the city has a tort claim pending against the Department of Defense, as well as a suit against three manufacturers of the foam, to try to recoup funds to clean the water.
Mayor Brian P. Sullivan said Well 2 is on track to be running in early August.
Filtration vessels were delivered last week, and work is being done at the well to create a concrete pad, among other things, for the filtration system.
Once Wells 7 and 8 have permanent filtration, the vessel at Well 2 will be moved to its permanent location off Dry Bridge Road and will serve Wells 1 and 2.
Well 1, off Holyoke Road, is currently operating.
The city is currently under mandatory water restrictions, with nonessential water use restricted to odd days for odd-numbered homes and even days for even-numbered homes.
Sullivan said the restrictions were put in place to be proactive because of strain on the water system and potential drought weather.
Sullivan said he was thankful the Westfield City Council passed a $13 million water bond that will address permanent filtration at Wells 7 and 8, allow the temporary filtration of Well 2 to become permanent, replace the East Mountain Road water tank and connect to the Springfield Water Works as a backup.

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