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PFAS contamination near Richmond Air Base prompts egg and meat consumption warning

In June, the Air Force announced a 10-square-kilometre plume of PFAS contamination had been found in the ground water below and around the Richmond Air Base, 50 kilometres north-west of Sydney’s CBD.
Twenty-five surface water test sites were also found to have had PFAS contamination above safe drinking levels, including Rickabys Creek and Bakers Lagoon.
However, the Human Health Risk Assessment released today says people living in the area should limit their intake of locally grown eggs and red meat, and locally caught fish to reduce their exposure to the chemical.
The report said people living in the investigation area around the air base should not eat more than 24 eggs per month, 50 serves of red meat per month or 12 servings of fin fish per month that have been grown or caught locally.
That amount is smaller for children.
"Each chook egg had a different level of PFAS in it.
"I was really distressed, particularly because I’d been feeding them to my grandchildren — one of whom is under six.
An ecological risk assessment also released today found unacceptable risks of contamination for animals and the environment on and around the base.
There is also some exposure risk for animals and birds in the Hawkesbury River, the assessment found.
According to NSW Health, PFAS does not break down in the environment and can accumulate and persist for a long time in humans and the environment.

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