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The fun in farming

The fun in farming.
PHOTO BY MARYANN KROMER Bestselling author Forrest Pritchard reads a passage from his book, “Gaining Ground,” Thursday at Sentinel Career and Technology Center.
When he graduated from college and returned to the farm in 1996, he was “an opportunistic kid” hoping to make a living from the land, as his father and grandfather had done; however, his dream proved to be more challenging than he expected.
“That year cured me.” He was determined to find other methods to farm that were less expensive and more environmentally friendly.
Consumers wanted more chemical-free produce, dairy products and meats, especially those grown locally.
He divides grazing areas with moveable fencing and provides water with a “rolling water line.” Shelters for the animals also can be relocated.
The meat is sold at six farmers’ markets in the area.
The animals also give back in the form of animal waste.
He calls the mixture of grasses and weeds a “medicinal buffet” for livestock.
This is more of a story,” Pritchard said.

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