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Lead found in drinking water of two Pemberville homes

By Sentinel-Tribune Staff, originally posted on August 11, 2016


PEMBERVILLE  — According to a statement from the mayor’s office, two residences in the village of Pemberville have been found to have lead in their drinking water.

The recent test results showed lead in levels exceeding the federal and state action levels from July 21-29.

The village conducts random sampling every three years, collecting 10 water samples from taps of homes within the village that have had no usage for at least seven hours, a news release from the village stated.

According to the statement, “Our 90th percentile (90 percent of sample results below this value) was 19.9 micrograms per liter. When the 90th percentile for lead sample results is at 15 micrograms per liter or above, the village is triggered to take action to correct the exceedence.”

“The village had two sample results out of 10 that exceeded 15 micrograms per liter. The village of Pemberville will make adjustments to its treatment process and will collect additional lead samples.”

Village officials believe that the lead samples in the homes are because of plumbing issues, including possible lead-based solder or pipes within the structures. The residents of the affected houses have been notified “and are taking steps to reduce or eliminate the problem,” the statement said.

Lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. There are steps that the public can take to reduce lead exposure, including running tap water to flush out the lead for 30 seconds to two minutes, until it is noticeably colder before using it, and using only cold water to drink or prepare baby formula.

For additional information, contact Mayor Gordan Bowman’s office at 419-287-3832 or at mayor@villageofpemberville.org


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