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Can China deal with climate change without the U.S.?

Can China deal with climate change without the U.S.?.
U.S. drops the climate effort Donald Trump’s “Energy Independence” order creates severe turbulences in the Paris climate change agreement.
U.S. President’s intention to quit the agreement and promote energy independence and economic growth seems to be working.
Therefore, Trump’s climate policy is about to cause serious problems backsliding the attempts of all UN member states which have pledged to reduce their national gas emissions and keep the temperature from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
China targets green growth The Chinese government has stated that the climate change policy it’s upon its main targets.
Furthermore, the Chinese President Xi Jinping, attending the World Economic Forum 2017, pointed out that the Paris Agreement is a “hard-won achievement which is in keeping with the underlying trend of global development and indicated his support for clean energy stating that China’s efforts to pursue green growth were paying off”.
In general, China has been showing strong support to the climate change battle and implements strong measures against air and water pollution.
EU supports China The need of a strong China in the climate change fight, the moment that the U.S. is stepping off, is imperative and EU shares this opinion and points out that both should show joint leadership.
The latter shows that the EU is determined to keep on struggling against environmental pollution but definitely more aid is needed in order to produce remarkable results.
However, the initiative of China to lead the way in this fierce battle is promising taking into consideration that China accounts for almost 30% of the world’s CO2 emissions.

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