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#GreenMondaySA: Eat less meat, save the world

#GreenMondaySA: Eat less meat, save the world.
Animal agriculture is one of the largest contributors to the world’s most serious environmental problems including climate change, water scarcity, and land degradation.
I’ve only been doing this for three weeks so far, so yeah, let’s check in at a later stage, but so far so good.
Ironically, Saucisse Deli specialises in fine meat and cheese, yet with Head Chef Amanda at the helm, the deli really strives to be as environmentally friendly as possible.
<img src="http://c.biz-file.com/c/1704/387141.jpg" alt="#GreenMondaySA: Eat less meat, save the world" width="625" height="352"> You can see more of the local restaurants and companies involved in Green Monday here.
Why is Green Monday important?
Green Monday also addresses some of the world’s most serious environmental problems.
Perhaps our generation can continue to gorge on meat and dairy, but this way of producing and eating is just not sustainable – #fact.
Future generations are going to have some serious environmental issues if we continue to blindly ignore the damage the agricultural industry creates and not try and address it by changing our mindset and diet.
<img src="http://c.biz-file.com/c/1704/387145.jpg" alt="#GreenMondaySA: Eat less meat, save the world" width="625" height="498"> For more info about Green Monday or to take the pledge and join the movement, go to: greenmonday.co.za.

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