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How Much Are We Polluting the Oceans?

How Much Are We Polluting the Oceans?.
Thought leisure boating is not the biggest source of these problems, the boating community has a responsibility to evaluate and optimize its environmental impact.
The list includes engine emissions, noise pollution, antifouling paint, waste discharge, disturbance of wildlife, erosion and turbidity.
The Dangers of Antifouling Paint When it comes to antifouling, copper and tributyltin (TBT) are the main threats to sea life.
TBT is a powerful biocide with well documented negative effects, but the real risks of copper are less certain.
Discharge with very high or low pH can cause major damage to ocean life, especially in areas with reduced water movement.
And because sound travels long distances in the ocean, it interferes with the communication and navigation of whales, dolphins, tortoises and many fishes.” Moreover, watercraft in the broadest sense—especially speed boats, jet skis, SUPs and canoes—can easily get close to seabirds and animals.
Usually, this is not a problem.
Big Ships = Big Problems The commercial shipping industry pollutes thousands of times more than recreational boating.
Still, Sea Shepherd’s Watson encourages the use of sail, paddle and oar—anything not propelled by an engine.

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