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GM Employees to Plant 25,000 Hardwood Trees in the U.S.

GM Employees to Plant 25,000 Hardwood Trees in the U.S..
The national nonprofit Living Lands & Waters began its MillionTrees Project in 2007 by collecting and planting acorns.
This year, 27 GM facilities in seven states are taking part, providing more than 25,000 oak trees to employees and their families for Earth Day and Arbor Day plantings.
The Milford Proving Ground will be the largest GM distributer of this year’s MillionTrees Project and is one of the most uniquely situated GM facilities.
It spans nearly 4,000 acres, including acres of trees, lakes, native plants and wildlife.
The Milford Proving Ground team will pass out 3,500 trees to its employees and contractors, with the goal of not only educating today’s GM team, but showing a commitment to the next generation, as well.
“It is not just about planting a single tree, it is about building momentum to change the way they think about environmental efforts, both at work and in their personal lives.” GM’s Marion Metal Center in Indiana is participating in a citywide Earth Day event with the local Parks and Recreation Department and Marion Utilities, which will involve passing out the trees to residents who commit to planting them.
“Working for a company that embraces environmental sustainability and community involvement is a source of pride for GM employees,” said Collins.
Planting red, swamp white, and bur oak trees also will increase diversity along the nation’s shorelines, helping further protect against viruses and bores.
Alex Bokatzian, associate environmental engineer at Parma Metal Center in Ohio, summarizes the benefits he sees from the efforts: “Trees provide oxygen, take in carbon dioxide and improve air quality.

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