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Glacier students get down and dirty with environmental science

Glacier students get down and dirty with environmental science.
On Wednesday May 10, Buckley eighth graders came together to save the environment.
Specifically, a section of forest near the White River.
Citizens for a Healthy Bay and the city of Buckley have worked with Glacier Middle School students and teachers since last October to put together a stewardship project to clean up garbage and unauthorized campsites in the forest area right across the White River flume.
The project involves 260 students who are divided into smaller groups, each group working two hours — one group in the morning and one in the afternoon — to remove invasive plant species, clean up unauthorized camp sites and collect litter.
The project won’t be finished this year, and will be continued next year by another batch of eighth graders.
“We’re hoping to create a stewardship class after this to maintain the trail,” said Jeanine Riss, CHB’s habitat restoration manager.
The trail would also include informational signs designed by students involved in Glacier’s art classes.
The students also raised and released salmon into the river.
“It’s very hard to change the minds of adults.”

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