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LETTERS, May 23: Search together for America’s ‘truths’

It eliminates current health care levels and improves Social Security solvency without even mentioning Social Security.
Most people with pre-existing conditions will not be able to afford insurance, and millions more now covered will no longer have any meaningful insurance under the new plan.
The reduction and elimination of health insurance benefits for millions coupled with such things as promoting air and water pollution by increasing coal use, eliminating water testing and standards, and feeding unhealthy food to school children (or no food at all), are designed to ensure life expectancy continues to decline, thus decreasing the cost of Social Security benefits.
EDITOR: Whether left or right it seems both sides have the firm conviction that “theirs” is the “truth” that should be self-evident to everybody.
Both sides must seek the wisdom to find truths that are selflessly evident about America.
Another factor is the medical costs.
The question that I have is not why insurance premiums are so high, but why are medical costs so high?
Or, why does it cost X number of dollars to buy 90 pills of a cholesterol reducing medication?
William Houston, Wilmington Reaping what we sow EDITOR: Here’s an alarming headline: “Arctic stronghold of world’s seeds flooded after permafrost melts.” It seems that the Global Seed Vault — on a Norwegian island above the Arctic Circle — was flooded by meltwater after “soaring temperatures in the Arctic at the end of the world’s hottest ever recorded year …” The Global Seed Vault was opened by Norway in 2008.
Heads up, people!

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