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Cummins to cut global water use in half by 2020

Cummins released its water conservation goal in 2014 as part of its 2020 Environmental Sustainability Plan, pledging to reduce water use intensity by 33 percent, adjusted by labor hours.
As of the third quarter of 2016, the company’s water efficiency efforts had resulted in a 42 percent intensity reduction or 18 percent on an absolute basis.
Because the Company achieved the initial goal ahead of schedule, it revised its goal to be more aggressive.
The revised 50 percent intensity reduction goal represents a total water savings of 763 million gallons of water since 2010.
With facilities located around the globe from India to Indiana, the Company has installed low-flow fixtures and efficient equipment, bioswales and regenerative dynos, low water use landscaping, stopped water leaks, and otherwise worked toward efficient processes in its facilities.
The United Nations (UN) estimates that by 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity and two-thirds of the world population could be under water-stressed conditions.
To achieve the 50 percent reduction, Cummins will expand the work it does with its sites in water program management, including intensive engagement with higher water use locations, water balance creation and sub-metering.
The bioswales at the new Distribution Business Unit headquarters in Indianapolis, for example, are part of a system designed to keep about 80 percent of rainwater on the site to use for landscaping.
By 2020, Cummins plans achieve water neutrality (offset the water it uses) at 15 facilities in water-stressed communities.
This goal is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 for Clean Water and Sanitation.

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