PFCs are perfluorinated compounds. Under that category are perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluoroctanoic acid (PFOA), which some researchers have linked to cancer and other health problems.
The 104th Fighter Wing sent a statement to local media outlets after recent stories appeared that suggested the Barnes Aquifer Protection Advisory Committee and MassDEP were concerned about the pace of the investigation.
“The 104th Fighter Wing has had a long and standing reputation of being excellent environmental stewards. We understand the serious role we play in protecting our local environment and resource conservation,” said Keefe.
Barnes on Dec. 21 sent MassDEP a letter stating that the air base must follow Air Force and Department of Defense regulations and guidelines and that they have no authority to deviate from that protocol, according to the statement.
The Air National Guard will conduct its investigation of the groundwater issue under Air Force Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and also plans to comply with the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, which governs site cleanups, said Richardson.