County Conservationists Ask Joint Finance Committee To Restore Their Funding

County Conservationists Ask Joint Finance Committee To Restore Their Funding.
County conservation officials are calling on lawmakers to restore funding aimed at helping them work with farmers to reduce water pollution.
Scott Walker’s budget proposal provides $8 million for the state’s 72 county conservation offices.
"What is at stake is the 80 year Wisconsin tradition of public – private partnerships to protect land and water resources," he said.
"That is the legend of John Muir, Aldo Leopold and the vast majority of Wisconsin citizens."
Dunn County Conservationist Dan Prestebak testified that he’d like to see funding restored to $9.3 million, the level set in the 2011-2013 state budget.
"We see our list of impaired waters growing.
More than 100 people attended Wednesday’s Joint Finance Committee Hearing.
Other prominent issues brought up during the day testimony included calls to maintain Gov.

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