DAILY DIGEST, weekend edition: Is ‘green spot’ a sign of more trouble for Oroville Dam?; Retrofit planned for San Luis Dam; Officials: Bill would end Trinity River fish disease preventative flows, Humboldt County’s water right; Interior Dept’s new mission
DAILY DIGEST, weekend edition: Is ‘green spot’ a sign of more trouble for Oroville Dam?
In California water news this weekend, Is ‘green spot’ a sign of more trouble for Oroville Dam?
; Retrofit planned for San Luis Dam; Officials: Bill would end Trinity River fish disease preventative flows, Humboldt County’s water right; A new gold rush is on, sparked by California’s post-drought snowmelt; Mapping coastal flood risk lags behind sea level rise; The US Interior Department has a new mission: To make money; and more … In the news this weekend … Is ‘green spot’ a sign of more trouble for Oroville Dam?
Retrofit planned for San Luis Dam: “A long-term retrofit project to raise and strengthen B.F. Sisk Dam, commonly referred to as the San Luis Dam, is moving through the planning process and could break ground in three years.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency maps where people are at moderate or high risk of flooding.
… ” Read more from the CA State Treasurer’s Office here: The real costs of the California Water Fix The new general in the state’s water wars: “There’s an old saying in the West that whiskey is for drinking and water is for fighting.
… ” Read more from the Lodi News-Sentinel here: Lodi: Water meters to be installed by November New drinking water regulation costly for Turlock: “A new drinking water regulation from the State Water Resources Control Board will mean millions of dollars in new equipment and maintenance for Turlock’s well system.
… ” Read more from the Bakersfield Californian here: Bakersfield: Watermaster and the city agree: Water in the Kern River into 2018 Santa Clarita: Agency finds itself awash in wet water year: “Emerging from a wet winter, state water officials were able to set aside 50,000 acre-feet of water for the Santa Clarita Valley’s water wholesaler, the Castaic Lake Water Agency.
How much water is that?
… ” Read more from the San Francisco Chronicle here: Las Vegas water pipeline fight to go before a federal judge Click here to read more editions of the Daily Digest.