Daxon: Water everywhere … so where’s the drought?

Daxon: Water everywhere … so where’s the drought?.
I think my sprinklers have been turned off for at least six weeks, and my yards and trees look better than ever.
“We remain in a drought, but it is no longer an emergency,” said Wayne Osborne, Municipal Water District of Orange County president.
Tony Olmos, Brea’s public works director, explained we are in the fifth year of a drought and, for now, our water use restrictions are still in force.
Until April 1, we are still restricted to watering our yards only on Mondays before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m., and not within 48 hours of a rainstorm.
Come April 1, Olmos said we go back to Monday and Thursday watering, but that could be increased to three times a week in coming months.
Regardless of whether we are in a drought or not, we cannot go back to daily watering our yards.
Brea has permanent water use guidelines.
And plan to come to the rescheduled Brea Centennial Parade and Picnic on Saturday on May 20.
She gives her perspective on Brea issues twice a month.

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