Divestment protest kicks off at fracking facility

Divestment protest kicks off at fracking facility.
Environmentalists have today staged a protest at the gates of a controversial fracking site in Lancashire.
Local community members and environmental campaigners met outside the gate of Cuadrilla’s Preston New Road facility, which is intended to be home to the first full-scale fracking operation in the UK.
The action marks the start of the Global Divestment Mobilisation, a global wave of protests running from the 5th-13th of May with the aim of pressuring institutions to stop investing in oil, coal and gas companies.
The 350 divestment group has helped organise some of the 40 events planned to take place in the UK.
In total, protests will be staged in 42 countries.
It has been the site of regular protests since the government overruled opposition by the Lancashire County Council in October 2016.
Local resident Nick Danby said: “Living in Lancashire, we see firsthand how fracking affects our community and we’re worried about the impacts of noise, air and water pollution on our farming, tourism and health.
“Already climate change caused by activities like fracking is destroying people’s lives and livelihoods around the world, people who did the least to cause this problem but are paying the price.
We’re standing up for them too.” The site was blockaded by Greenpeace supporters earlier this week.

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