Earth Day, April 22 – Critically needed now more than ever
Saturday, April 22 marks Earth Day which is a national day to focus on the environment, climate change, and sustainability.
I’m proud to say that I hail from the state where this was founded – Wisconsin.
Gaylord Nelson, formerly a U.S.
Earth Day in 1970 achieved a rare political achievement, gaining support from Democrats and Republicans as well as people from all walks of life.
The first Earth Day led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts to preserve our environment in a massive way.
Forty seven years ago, partisanship was put aside with the understanding that our environment was a precious resource for all people, not just something to be exploited for financial gain.
Earth Day has become a global event, mobilizing people in numerous countries and lifting environmental issues onto the world stage giving a huge boost to recycling efforts worldwide.
Green technologies are not only good for the environment, they lead to high tech, better paying jobs.
Climate change deniers, fossil fuel lobbyists, and reticent politicians are all fighting environmental consciousness and denying the scientific evidence that humans are changing our environment and that our climate is warming.
Locally there are numerous events: one major one is the March for Science which will take place at the University of Maine.