Earth Day coming to American Canyon
Earth Day coming to American Canyon.
AMERICAN CANYON >> This city calls its Earth Day celebration, AmCan by the Bay, and this year it’s planned for 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 22 at the Napa River Bay Trail — 625 Eucalyptus Drive, city officials announced.
Designed to “celebrate all things green and inspire participants to become more environmentally friendly,” the event features various activities and information booths, organizers said.
Some planned activities include giant tricycles, a rock climbing wall, raffles and prize giveaways, live entertainment, kids crafts and face painting and birdwatching.
Participants who bring their bikes to the event will receive a free giveaway.
Participating agencies include the Napa-Solano Audubon Society, American Canyon Parks Foundation, Napa Countywide Storm Water Pollution Prevention, Napa Wildlife Rescue, American Canyon Arts Foundation, Bay Area Vegetarians, National Forest Service, American Canyon Farmer’s Market, 4-H Club, Spirit Horse Therapeutic Riding Center, and the Girl Scouts of American Canyon.
For information, visit or call (707) 648-7275.