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Elevated arsenic levels found in South Berwick town water

By Judi Currie, originally posted on November 1, 2016


SOUTH BERWICK, Maine — Residents are being cautioned about the arsenic levels in the town water supply.

A drinking water notice sent to customers this week states that the level of arsenic in the drinking water exceeds federal drinking water standards.

According to the notice, water tests recently conducted show the average level of arsenic, over four quarterly samples, is at 11.95 parts per billion (ppb); which is above the maximum contaminant level of 10.

The results are for the period of April through the end of September and come from the Junction Road Pump Station. It is one of four stations and accounts for about 21 percent of the water produced by the district, so according to the statement, the most of their customers are not affected.

According to John Leach, superintendent for the South Berwick Water Department, the levels have already fallen back below the federal limit.

“The latest sample was back under the MCL,” Leach said. “We took a bunch of samples and almost as fast as it went up, it came back down again.”

The water district serves about half the town of about 7,200 residents.

According to the notice, there is nothing that customers need to do right now, other than to be aware of the issue and follow any recommendations their doctor may have should they have a specific health concern.

The possible health effects for people who drink water containing arsenic in excess of the MCL over many years, according to the notice, are skin damage, problems with the circulatory system, or increase cancer risk.

Leach said while the drought may have caused the elevated levels they don’t know for sure.

While there is no indication private wells are affected, he said residents with private wells should be checking their mineral levels every few years.

Leach said the town will move forward with a treatment study and has contracted with Wright Pierce Engineers to conduct the study for the removal of arsenic from the Junction Station.

“We are hoping that state funds will become available to cover the cost,” Leach said. “We should know by December or January.”

The State of Maine Drinking Water Program has set a date to start corrective action by the end of the year, but the notice said they hope to already have the solution in place by then.

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