Framingham school samples test above lead thresholds

originally posted on October 28, 2016


FRAMINGHAM, Mass. (AP) — After samples from two local elementary schools registered high levels of lead, school officials in Framingham are expediting the testing of drinking water throughout the district.

The MetroWest Daily News reports ( ) Framingham public schools officials said Thursday that samples taken from Barbieri Elementary School and Brophy Elementary School tested “minimally above reportable thresholds” for lead.

The district will test all outlets where students and faculty get water for drinking or cooking. District officials also plan to flush water fountains and faucets daily.

While the testing is being conducted, the district is requiring that only cold water faucets be used in the preparation of food and beverages.

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says warm or hot water can contain higher levels of contamination than cold water.

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