‘Grave’ concerns over new burial site near Bedfordshire village
‘Grave’ concerns over new burial site near Bedfordshire village.
Residents are rallying together, for a second time, to oppose proposals for a ‘natural’ burial ground in their village.
Initial planning permission was refused by Wilstead Parish Council over a year ago, after furious Wilstead residents opposed the plan raising water pollution concerns.
But residents have already officially objected to the scheme, pointing out the land regularly floods with six to eight inches of standing water.
However this team suggests planning agencies need to consider the extent to which decomposing bodies contaminate the water supply.
In addition to this, residents have also raised concerns that the burial ground will not be ‘in keeping’ with the village or its surroundings.
“It was refused before on lots of grounds including the local flooding issue and traffic.
“To put a burial ground in the middle of a residential area just doesn’t make sense, we have grave concerns about hygiene, water contamination and the roads.
“We feel like we’re being ignored, but there’s so many risks involve din this application and so much could go wrong.” A spokesperson from developers Cemetery Development Services said: “We can confirm there are no pollution issues and the site will be reviewed by the environmental agency.
“The proposal has not failed any test or protocols and we’ve made an application that we think is fair.”