Health Dept. warns Beulah residents of water contamination

Health Dept.
warns Beulah residents of water contamination.
"There’s a lot of damage up and down there–a whole lot," said Walt Bassett who lives on North Creek Road.
And cleaning up the debris–that’s as bad as anything," he added.
North Creek Road was one of the worst hit areas last week.
"Everybody’s driveways usually end up here in the creek," said Janie Bass, who motioned to the creek in her backyard.
Bass also lives off North Creek Road, but didn’t suffer much flood damage on her property.
The Pueblo County Health Department is urging anyone whose well may have flooded not to wait, but instead use their free testing kit to check for contamination.
"It’s a 24 hour test, so results would be available the next day," said Kathy Nelson, the Program Manager in the Environmental Health and Emergency Preparedness division.
Health officials hope more people will take advantage of the free water testing.

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