High levels of lead found in Englewood Hospital drinking water
by Anthony G. Attrino, originally posted on January 18, 2017
ENGLEWOOD – Englewood Hospital is providing bottled and tank water throughout the medical center following tests that concluded that some of the hospital’s water is contaminated with high levels of lead.
“Water samples tested on Dec. 21, 2016, from some of our buildings, were found to have levels of lead (that) exceed the federal action level of 15 parts per billion,” the hospital stated in an email to NJ Advance Media.
Lead can cause decreases in intelligence and can affect behavior, attention, mood and growth in adults and children.
“Out of an abundance of caution, we are providing bottled and/or tank water throughout our medical center, including on all units for patient and employee use and in the kitchen for all meal preparation,” the hospital said in the statement. “We have placed notices about this issue throughout the campus.”
The hospital is working with the state New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to determine the source of the lead and treat the issue.
According to the hospital, the NJDEP has determined the source of the contamination did not come from the hospital’s provider, Suez Water.
The hospital has established a hotline to answer questions from the public at 201-894-3446.