Illegal dumping plays role in Lake Mead contamination

So, just how big of an issue is illegal dumping in southern Nevada?
From paint cans to laundry detergent, shattered tiles, motor oil, even a microwave litter the desert in the southwest part of the valley near Mountain’s Edge.
We’ve got construction demolition waste, a variety of things.
Every year, more than 1,400 illegal dumping sites are reported to the health district, a small fraction of what’s really out in the desert.
"During a big storm event, water comes rushing through here and carries whatever is with it down to Lake Mead, including household waste and garbage."
Contamination that costs millions to clean up from the water and landscape.
These sites also bring out rodents, insects, disease, and other environmental toxins and often bring it all a little too close to homes.
It’s going to contaminate our lake, it’s an eyesore, it’s a nuisance.
We don’t want to live in a giant trash heap," Chaney said.
If you already have garbage service you can take your trash, your oversized items, anything that won’t fit in your trash can to one of the transfer stations.

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