KEN MIDKIFF: Conflict over abortion is a matter of beliefs

KEN MIDKIFF: Conflict over abortion is a matter of beliefs.
The father instead arranged for his daughter to have an abortion.
She missed classes for a few days.
Back in the 1960s, there was discussion of a “woman’s right to choose."
The problem with this disagreement is that there are no facts, just beliefs.
Some doctors say that a zygote is a human life.
Other doctors state that life begins when a baby is able to live on its own, even if that involves an incubator.
Pro-choice and pro-life doctors rely on their beliefs and cite evidence to back up their beliefs.
No doubt, those who believe that human life begins when an egg is fertilized by a sperm and becomes a zygote will present quite a few arguments for that position, and those who believe that human life begins when a woman delivers a baby will present their arguments, and at the end, there’s no way to resolve the two positions.
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