Law firms meeting with potential clients over toxic tap water
Varnum Law will meet with potential clients at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the Stegenga Chapel and Community Center, located at 1601 Post Dr NE in Belmont. The church is located at is 7255 Pine Island Dr. NE in Comstock Park.
Earlier tests found high levels of PFOS in wells near the House Street dump — one at 38,000 parts per trillion, 542 times the EPA limit.
PFOS has been linked to certain cancers, as well as pregnancy complications and childhood development problems, among other things. The Kent County Health Department is conducting its largest ever cancer cluster study around the House Street site and two other possible Wolverine dumps in the Rockford area.
The company said it will be launching an information portal on its corporate websiteFriday where the community can find updates on the House Street situation, as well as answers to frequently asked questions. Homeowners eligible for whole house filter systems can contact Wolverine Worldwide at 616.866.5627 or at