Lawmakers looking into curbing use of bottled water in state

BOSTON (WWLP) – Last fiscal year, the state spent more than $1 million on bottled water.
A filtered water station was recently installed in the basement of the State House, but many offices currently get their water from large jugs.
A proposed bill would prohibit state funds from being used to purchase bottled water, except when required for safety, health, or emergency situations.
Clint Richmond of the Massachusetts Sierra Club said the state should instead be using that money to increase access to tap water through water fountains or more water stations.
“Because of the transportation costs and the packaging costs, the carbon footprint, just for example, or the energy costs of bottled water, is up to 30 times more than tap water,” Richmond explained.
“As taxpayers, I think we should be thrilled at any opportunity to save as much as a million dollars per year.” If the legislature can’t pass the bill, Richmond is asking the Governor to file an executive order to stop state agencies from buying bottled water.
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