Letters to the editor for June 12, 2017
Letters to the editor for June 12, 2017.
I have no issue paying to assist the county with projects that need funding.
The assessment actually makes more sense than raising property taxes.
Taxing fertilizer to pay for projects to mitigate the impact of its use would be common sense.
Even though our senator, Marco Rubio, isn’t on the committee charged with writing the bill, he is considered important enough for it’s passage to have attracted $1,781,409 in contributions from the health care industries (source: opensecrets.org).
The letter writer dares to compare people being brought over here against their will to undocumented immigrants, who wanted to come to America.
Albert E. White, Gainesville Adverse conditions The June 8 article concerning the lack of water at the Tower Road Library angered me.
The fact that staff members have no access to a water fountain should have been emphasized; they work in cramped conditions 40 hours a day.
Kudos to the library staff; they deserve recognition for maintaining their commitment to service under adverse conditions.
Jim Clayton, Micanopy Write a letter Letters to the editor should be emailed to letters@gainesville.com.