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Lowcountry churches collecting bottled water for SC town with ‘poisoned’ water

Residents of Denmark, which is a small town on U.S. 321 about 90 miles north of Bluffton, say their water has been "poisoned" for a decade.
The state government was adding something called HaloSan to the town water for 10 years.
It’s a substance that has been used to clean hot tubs and take care of rust and was not approved by the EPA for safe drinking water.
Now, the people in this small town are left with a lot of questions, a class action lawsuit, and no safe drinking water.
"That shocked me that I could live so close and not have a clue," explained Rev.
Campbell Chapel teamed with First Zion Baptist and Bible Missionary Baptist Church in Bluffton and the town of Bluffton back in December to take bottled water donations.
Black himself helped hand deliver 500 cases of bottled water to this underprivileged, dry town.
The Bible speaks of just giving someone a drink of cold water in the name of our prophet," explains Rev.
Donations will be accepted through Thursday at Campbell Chapel AME Church at 35 Boundary street, First Zion Baptist church at 10 Robertson street and Bible Missionary Baptist church at 236 Buck Island road.

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