Michigan Governor Revamps Environmental Agency after Flint Water Crisis

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality will become the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy.
"It is time for that to change."
Investigators later determined that Department of Environmental Quality officials misread federal guidelines and did not require use of corrosion-control additives.
The executive order also establishes an environmental justice team with representatives from other state departments including natural resources, agriculture and transportation.
Clark said she would make the case for increases with the state budget office.
Under Snyder, the DEQ and an interagency task force conducted statewide testing of drinking water sources and initiated cleanups at highly contaminated sites.
Whitmer signed a separate order making the group a permanent fixture in the new department and assigning it to coordinate Michigan’s PFAS actions, including continued searches for contaminated water supplies, informing the public and recommending new laws.
The department will consider a tougher standard for initiating cleanup action than the current threshold of 70 parts per trillion that is recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Clark said.
The Michigan Agency for Energy, a separate entity under Snyder, will become part of the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy – as will the Office of the Great Lakes, currently part of the Department of Natural Resources.
Additionally, the department will have a new office on climate policy that will seek ways to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and promote renewable energy while helping Michigan adjust to a warmer world.

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