Money for street repairs in Womelsdorf might come from Berks County Conservation District
Money for street repairs in Womelsdorf might come from Berks County Conservation District.
Womelsdorf, PA Womelsdorf Borough Council has learned that money to repair Water Street may be available from the Berks County Conservation District.
"The condition of the pavement along Water Street is in pretty poor shape and not an easy fix," Borough Engineer Charles Hess said.
Hess said new storm drains are needed and the project could be done in two parts, from Route 422 to Mulberry Alley and from Mulberry Avenue to High Street.
The cost is estimated at $231,000.
Council approved sending Jason Donaldson, maintenance supervisor, to an erosion control course that is a prerequisite for applying for funding from the conservation district Hess also warned council that the state Department of Environmental Protection is requiring a five-year storm water pollution control plan that is estimated to cost $50,000.
"This is an unfunded mandate from the state," the engineer said.
Councilman Vince Balistrieri said, "Where are we going to get this money?
Taxes will skyrocket."
"They shouldn’t increase for the next three years."