More private wells in Blades show positive signs of contamination after testing

– On Wednesday, Delaware officials announced two more of the 41 private wells, in the Blades area, showed elevated levels of per fluorinated compounds.
As a precaution, DNREC and DPH provided the homeowners with a carbon filtration system after notifying them of test results.
Officials want all homeowners to know that if your well returns with elevated levels of PFCs ,either above or near the EPA’s health advisory, a home filtration system will be provided.
Last week, DNREC and DPH announced that Blades’ new carbon filtration system significantly lowered PFCs in the town’s water system.
State agencies also say the Blades water supply did not detect PFCs during a follow-up sampling of the carbon filtration system.
DNREC, DPH and the Town of Blades are continuing to provide alternative water to any area residents who request it.
Water is now being distributed from The Blades Town Hall, located on 20 West Fourth Street in Blades, Delaware, from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Tonight at 7 p.m., DNREC and DPH are hosting a public meeting at the Blades Fire Hall, located on 200 East Fifth Street in Blades, Delaware, for further discussion of the town’s drinking water and private well water in the area.
Representatives from both state agencies and the town will present updates on Blades’ area drinking water and will answer questions.

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