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‘No Such Thing as Justice’ in Fight Over Chemical Pollution in China

‘No Such Thing as Justice’ in Fight Over Chemical Pollution in China.
Wang Yifei, 5, was destined for a better life, his family thought.
First, he said, his co-workers at a local farm warned that he might lose his job packing vegetables.
Many children continued to be afflicted with symptoms related to lead poisoning.
The challenges the Dapu families faced in court were just some of the many obstacles that confront pollution victims in China.
Many plaintiffs spend years and small fortunes trying to build a case.
The new environmental law promoted by President Xi was meant to help people like the families in Dapu by empowering nonprofits to take on powerful companies.
A Hengdong County court ruled last year that Meilun was responsible for seriously poisoning two of the 13 children whose cases made it to court, including Ms. Mao’s grandson.
The other families would get nothing.
Officials acknowledge that some children, but no more than 100, showed signs of serious lead poisoning but insist they have all been treated.

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