Obradovich: Can’t fix stupid: The 2017 Legislature in three words
Obradovich: Can’t fix stupid: The 2017 Legislature in three words.
But Rep. Matt Windschitl, R-Missouri Valley, responded that lawmakers "can’t fix stupid.” He said, “You’re right, there’s nothing we can do down here, we can’t legislate away stupid people and the actions they’re going to take.
Iowa lawmakers can’t fix stupid, so the GOP majority has decided this year to make a lot more of it legal.
Now, I’m not saying the entire legislative session was idiotic.
Lawmakers made some wise decisions.
Some of them were even made with bipartisan support.
They gutted collective bargaining rights for public employees, forgetting that these days some union members are GOP voters.
Hint: Not the working people of Iowa.
I have never seen a legislative session do more to engage — and enrage — so many Iowans.
Republicans will have to decide next year whether to start fixing some of the stupid before voters decide to fix it for them.