Putnam charter revisions set for voters in November
Putnam charter revisions set for voters in November.
PUTNAM — Residents have several months to decide whether to approve charter revisions put forward by the Board of Selectmen.
Selectmen this week took the recommendations of the Charter Revision Commission and approved a revised charter that will go to referendum during the general election in November.
We’ve had 17, 18 different meetings.
Tarr said much of the work the commission did was cleaning up the document, reducing it almost in half.
The commission also worked diligently to bring procedures in the charter up to the current needs of the town.
There have been three public hearings on the charter and the Board of Selectmen weighed in before sending the document back to the commission for its final version.
Before the referendum, the selectmen have one more job before them: To approve the exact ballot questions that will appear in November.
The Board of Selectmen directed St. Onge to develop questions on whether to accept the charter revisions and whether the mayor, Board of Selectmen and special services district should be elected for two or four years.
The Charter Revision Commission had recommended the terms be extended to four years.