Rabbi Agrees With Iranian General: Drought in Iran Due to Israel

A tree planted before Tu B’Shevat is considered one year old and a year is added to the tree’s age every year on Tu B’Shevat.
The basis of rain, of course, is spiritual; God’s connection to the world.” Rabbi Schwartz referred to an incident over the summer in which an Iranian general accused Israel of stealing rain clouds.
“Since God gives rain to the world via Israel, anyone who threatens Israel will not be blessed with rain,” Rabbi Schwartz said.
“In this act, Prime Minister Netanyahu was acting on the aspect of Israel being the source of water for the entire world,” Rabbi Schwartz said.
“Tu B’Shevat needs to be a global day for planting trees,” he said.
“In addition, every time a tree is cut down, whether it is a fruit tree or not, it should be replaced and another tree should be planted in its place.” “Just as prayer and repentance on Rosh Hashanah lead to a blessed year, planting a tree on Tu B’Shevat will bring a blessed year and hasten the Messiah,” Rabbi Schwartz said.
As part of the global tree initiative, the Sanhedrin established a blessing that can be said when planting a tree.
May this year be blessed with good and giving rains.
And may it be a year of life and satisfaction and peace.Because you are a good God whose blessings are good and who blesses the years.
Blessed are you, God, who blesses the years.

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