Recycle & Reuse: You can help save the planet
Recycle & Reuse: You can help save the planet.
“Save the planet!
Whenever I see that quote I smile and think of all of the things, my most favorite things, that are only available on this planet we’ve named Earth.
Perhaps that quote should be, “Save the planet!
You’ll conserve gas and reduce the amount of air pollution you create.
• Change your bulbs: Switch from incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescents (CFLs) or light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs to save energy.
• Recycle electronics: Don’t throw away you old cellphones and laptops.
Make the switch to at least one this month.
• Recycle: Give your garbage another life by recycling when you can.
You’ll reduce the amount of paper you use and save money on postage.