Ridiculous Things Some Dog Owners Do That Make People Furious

Here are 15 things some dog owners do that other owners absolutely can’t stand.
Even friendly dogs might lash out or try to protect their owners when a strange dog is running toward them.
Responsible dog owners take care of their pets, and they expect other owners to do the same.
Seeing a dog on a retractable leash completely annoys other owners who are trying to keep their dogs contained and walking politely by their sides.
If a dog really wants out, he’ll suffer the shock to make his break.
Dogs are the same way.
So if you allow your child to walk your dog, you should be there, too, with a hand on the leash.
Next: Why is there a dog here?
They give unsolicited advice Ever had a fellow dog owner come up to you and start explaining how you should hold your leash to get your dog to walk better?
Your dog doesn’t know what’s going on when you leave him for “just a minute” in a car.

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